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Spain Property Specialists

Spain Property Specialists are independent, trustworthy and based in Spain, ready to help you navigate through every step of the process of purchasing your new home in the sunshine, with the reassurance of English-speaking experts for everything you need. We offer a wide range of helpful services such as obtaining NIEs, Residencia, Wills and opening your bank account in Spain. We can be your single point of contact to save you stress, time and money by plugging in to our knowledge, experience and local contacts. In addition to the properties listed here and on our website, we can proactively search for the right property for your individual requirements, with absolutely no pressure as our principle, to assist you to buy the best possible property for your budget and your needs. Spain Property Specialists are accepted as professional property finders and relocation experts, trusted and recommended not just by our clients, but also by our property peers and legal associates. It is their collaboration and seal of approval, that enables us to be independent and puts the best interests of our clients at the heart of everything we do... before, during and after we help them find their perfect property in Spain. We care about our clients, tailoring the process as we go along and offer them complete peace of mind throughout. We are also proud, current AIPP members which is the recognised industry standards body, the Association of International Property Professionals. 


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