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If you want to find an estate agent who specialises in selling property in the location you are looking to buy, then search below to see which agents can help.

For Spain – where we have over 300 estate agents - you can search for an agent by region and town to find who has offices in the area.

You can see each estate agent below has their own panel with the number of properties they have for sale on, the average price (though prices will start much lower) and the most popular property viewed by our users. Click on an agent’s panel to see all their properties and find out more about their business.

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TEKCE Overseas SA

Average asking price: £619,629

Total properties listed: 5422

Main location: Turkey

All countries listed: Cyprus, Montenegro, Spain, Turkey, United Arab Emirates

Most popular property

Ortahisar £88,474

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Alistair Brown International Real Estate

Average asking price: £540,831

Total properties listed: 2498

Main location: United States

All countries listed: United States

Most popular property

Davenport £152,819

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Around the Sun Lda

Average asking price: £504,763

Total properties listed: 998

Main location: Portugal

All countries listed: Portugal, Spain

Most popular property

Olhão £186,077

View Agent's Properties