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Casa y Campo - the property finders

We are property professionals, who are dedicated to finding the right property at the right price for those wishing to find their dream home here in our wonderful corner of southern Spain. Having lived and worked in this area for over 16 years we are well versed in "how things work well" here, we have formed excellent local links and are able to walk you through the process of house buying and settling into this special little corner of Spain with the least amount of stress and complication! We can help and advise you on:- · reputable designers, architects and builders, for reforming or building new properties · school enrollment for families with school age children · understanding the way medical services are provided here and the options available · car ownership or bringing your existing vehicle into the country · becoming part of the community and introducing you to the many varied activities available to us in these parts · multi lingual lawyers and associated professionals · obtaining NIE numbers and POA · opening bank accounts · obtaining residential status There is a wonderful warm, friendly community here and our job is not only to help you find the home of your dreams but also the lifestyle as well.

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