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Fine Tuscany

Based in Pisa, Italy, Fine Tuscany is a locally owned non-franchised real estate agency specialising in apartments, country houses, farmhouses, detached homes and villas for sale in Tuscany, Italy. We do everything we can to provide positive and successful real estate experiences for everyone we work with. Why Tuscany? Life in Tuscany is sweet. Smiles abound, sunshine is plentiful, the region counts seven Unesco world heritage sites, and because, frankly speaking, Tuscany is our happy place. Why us? Because we love what we do, we love Tuscany, and real estate, and we always go that extra mile that makes the difference. Furthermore, because we are licensed and registered with the Italian Chamber of Commerce. If you have an old overseas dream sitting on a shelf, dust it off, and get in touch with us today! Let’s go hunting together!

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