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Island Estates

Island Estates was established in by Jeremy Artingstall in 1984 and, over the years, have established a reputation for honesty and reliability. Our many years of experience, and our command of Spanish language, means that we probably know as much as anybody about how things should be done in all aspects of the real estate business. We are able, unlike many other estates agencies, to advise on or deal with anything related to real are the first agency to specialise in property in and outside the resort areas and even today this is an important, and for us an interesting, part of our business. With regards to our clients, both vendors and purchaser we listen to their requirements, endeavour to fulfil them and on the way establish a friendly relationship. Though Jeremy retired in 2014 - the business continues working under the same established principles now under the guidance of Malcolm Lonsdale, working Justin and Yvonne to provide the best buying and selling experience in South Tenerife.

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