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Voss Homes Estate Agents

Voss Homes is a family run British estate agents with an office in the market town of Huércal-Overa, Almeria. Andy, Anna,Jess, Adele, Hannah, Amy Karen and Rachel concentrate on selling & renting legal properties in Huércal-Overa, Zurgena, La Alfoquia & Taberno and the surrounding villages and countryside. Huércal-Overa is a popular and historic town with many shops, restaurants, award winning hospital leisure & sports facilties. 

We have properties for sale & rent in Huércal-Overa, El Saltador, San Francisco, Urcal, Las Labores, Santa Maria de Nieva, Las Norias, Goñar, La Concepcion, El Palaces, La Hoya, Fuente Amarga, El Puertecico, El Gor, La Parata, La perulera, Santo Petar, Pulpi, Zurgena, La Alfoquia, Los Carasoles, Cucador, Los Llanas de Peral and Los Menchones. By concentrating on a smaller area where we have lived, shopped and worked for 15 years and our children go to school we can provide a more specialised service and offer accurate, trustworthy advice based on our extensive knowledge of he local area, solicitors, currency exchange, banks, shops etc.

We offer a friendly and professional service based on Listening to YOU!, the client. By knowing exactly what type of lifestyle, location and type of property you want we can help you find the right one for you....... We also pride ourselves in our vital after-sales service to help move in, find your way around and source furniture, cars, builders etc

For more information about why so many people are buying properties on our area please visit our website.

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