Full Description
Three unified retail units in a building called Acropolis Court Block 1, located on Nicodimou Mylona Str in Agios Theodoros quarter, Paphos Municipality.
The three units on the ground floor have been unified to a single large unit of total area 137sqm and a mezzanine of 90sqm.
The property is situated opposite Agapinor Hotel, 340m west of Paphos Municipal Hall and c. 1km northeast of Paphos Kings Avenue Mall.
Nikodimou Mylona Street is a busy commercial road with developments consisting of retail shops and showrooms, as well as offices and apartments.
The property benefits from easy access to all the areas of Paphos via Arch. Makariou III Ave. and Apostolou Pavlou Ave.
The wider area is well developed and consists mostly of residential and mixed-use buildings, as well as hotels and other touristic developments.
The asset falls within a residential planning zone Πα9α, with building density coefficient of 120%, coverage coefficient 70%, in 2 floors and a maximum height of 8.3m.
All urban features must be checked with the proper authorities. The Seller has the right to review the selling prices without any prior notice.
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