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Aimcliff Properties

Aimcliff Properties is a licensed member of the Association of Estate Agents of Portugal. The company was established for business in 1987 from our base in Tavira in the Eastern Algarve. We concentrate on the Eastern region of the Algarve. We deal with the sale of villas, apartments, cottages, land, and also handle commercial sites, including developments. Renovation and constructions are also undertaken by us. We offer our purchasers access to proven independent professionals. These include: Lawyers (English speaking), Surveyors, Architects/ Designers, Builders – for both small jobs and large constructions, Topographers, Water – drilling services. Aimcliff can organize a complete maintenance service which includes buildings, gardens and pools, plus can rent your property for long stays or holiday lets independently, or liase with your own clients. The above is only for our clients, we do not seek to provide maintenance/services independently, and do not have anything to do with Time-Share or offer inspection flights. We can and do help people with all matters to do with their purchase from the legal, to the practical, including accommodation when required. As a small company Aimcliff has an unrivalled reputation for matching a property to a client and do not waste people’s time showing them what they do not require or want to see. Privacy can be maintained for your sale if required with no boards or photos on open display, with details supplied only to known clients. Aimcliff hopes to be of service to you as we have been to many others over the past 23 years and very much look forward to meeting you here in Portugal.

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